澤 隆志 (2022)

澤隆志 Takashi Sawa



主なキュレーションに長野県立美術館 『めぐりあいJAXA―ながのとながめ』共同キュレーション(2021年)、青森県立美術館 『めがねと旅する美術展』東京飛地展示(2018年)、『ワッタン映画祭』審査員、プログラムディレクション(2018年)青森県立美術館 『Loveloveshow2』東京飛地展示(2017年)、『あいちトリエンナーレ2013』 映像プログラム担当(2013年)など。





Takashi Sawa (2022)

Takashi Sawa

Dates of residency: 6 June ~7 June,10 August~11 August 2022


Born in 1971. Graduated from Chuo University, Faculty of Letters, Department of French Literature. He is a filmmaker and curator. From 2001 to 2010, he was the program director of the ‘Image Forum Festival’, a national touring exhibition of video art.
Currently works as a indipendent curator at art festivals, film festivals, and art exhibitions, as well as jury performances, book reviews, and exhibition reviews.
Major curators include “Meguriai JAXA -Nagano and Glasses” co-curated at Nagano Prefectural Museum of Art (2021), Aomori Museum of Art “Traveling Art Exhibition with Glasses” Tokyo Enclave Exhibition (2018), Wattan Film Festival Judge, program direction (2018), Aomori Museum of Art “Loveloveshow2” Tokyo Tobichi exhibition (2017), “Aichi Triennale 2013” video program (2013), etc.

During his stay at SAIKONEON, He was invited to invite painter Ryosuke Hara to produce and do research together, and he also participated in the talk show on the final day as a moderator.